Lowongan Kerja Legal Staff PT KB Insurance Indonesia 2020 Terbaru
- Usia Max 32 Tahun
- Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya Gelar Sarjana di bidang apapun.
- Setidaknya memiliki 2 tahun sebagai Legal Officer.
- Lebih disukai Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor) khusus dalam Hukum/Pelayanan Legal atau setara.
- Paham akan regulasi OJK, terbiasa membuat kontrak perjanjian kerja sama antara BtB dan BtC
Jobdesc :
- Handling Legal Case
- Create Perjanjian Kerjasama
- Check and Monitoring Company Regulations
“LIG Insurance, a joint venture General Insurance Company between LIG Insurance Co, Ltd., Korea and PT AB Sinarmas Multifinance was Established in 1997. In 2015 Is very meaningful moment, in which we put an end to an era of PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia and pledge to develop into a leading company while entering our new role with PT KB INSURANCE INDONESIA, Since Juli 2015 we are part of KB Financial Group as the biggest finance group in Korea (www.kbfg.com) and owned by PT. KB Insurance.co.Ltd
We keep continuing performing its role as risk caretaker for its client, global and local. The company is committed to providing quality service to the customer through its marketing network, which encompasses 1 Head Office and 2 Marketing Offices in Jakarta. With company’s vision “To be number one insurance of customer preferences”.
Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Legal Staff 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan
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