Loker Posisi Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) Perusahaan - Kumpulan Loker Nasional

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Loker Posisi Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) Perusahaan

Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Posisi Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) Perusahaan 2020 Terbaru

Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di Perusahaan 2020. Kembali ke Perusahaan mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) Perusahaan di 2020 ini. Merupakan Perusahaan terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di Perusahaan silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut

  • Appoint distribution partners and further developing strategic distribution channels in Indonesia.
  • Increase sales and deliver maximum profitability by identifying and developing new potential key distributors and market opportunities.
  • Increase market share through winning competitor’s businesses
  • Develop and Implement plans to achieve new business growth initiatives as part of the Business Growth Strategy.
  • Report business activities to Regional Business Development Director and meeting with Regional team to achieve Business Plan.
  • Develop Sales Plan to achieve Business goals.
  • To promote and present company products in seminars and events to customers and end users.
  • Any other duties as assigned by your superior.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, Business Studies/ Management, Marketing, Science & Technology or equivalent.
  • At least 3 to 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Good organizational skills including prioritizing, scheduling and time management.
  • Results oriented and a good team player.
  • Responsible, resourceful with the ability to work under tight deadlines.
  • Forward thinking and conceptualize and implement strategies for sales growth.
  • Enjoy meeting people and able to travel extensively.
  • Good command of English and Malay and excellent in writing and presentation skills.
  • Computer literate with Microsoft Office
  • Candidate is required to submit resume in English.
  • Preferably Senior Executives or Assistant Manager specializing in Sales - Engineering/Technical/IT or equivalent.

WE are leading fertilizers manufacturer currently in our next phase of growth into producing specialized fertilizers for paddy, fruits, vegetables and organic market segments.
In view of rapid expansionary plans, we are looking for dynamic individuals who can contribute strength to our team and company growth.We offer successful candidates an attractive remuneration package, which includes:

  • Competitive salary
  • Miscellanous allowance
  • Excellent prospects for career advancement

Kirim Lamaran Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) Perusahaan 2020 disini

Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di Perusahaan sebagai Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager), silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Area Sales, Cash Crops (Sr. Executive/ Assistant Manager) 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan

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