Loker Posisi Site Electrical Manager (Head Of Electrical) Pt Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia - Kumpulan Loker Nasional

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Loker Posisi Site Electrical Manager (Head Of Electrical) Pt Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia

Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Posisi Site Electrical Manager (Head of Electrical) PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia 2020 Terbaru

Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia 2020. Kembali ke PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Site Electrical Manager (Head of Electrical) PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia di 2020 ini. Merupakan PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut

We  are  one  of  the  world’s  Olechemical  Companies  which  located in Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Sei Mangkei, Kabupaten Simalungun, North Sumatera is  welcoming  high  caliber  professionals  to  come onboard as part of our Duties and Responsibilites Key Output : Maintain & Ensure 100% availability of  Site Electrical Systems (HV / LV )– Power Systems / All Sub Stations / all factory MCC’s and relevant Electricals (Motors / Controls / Panels /UPS / Lighting / Lightning Arrestors) which are available for Operation.Priority : 1. All Electrical activities arising from Site;2.  Preventive / Predictive activities related to Electrical Maintenance within site as per schedule and as per Safety Standards;3. Managing effectively the functioning of all Monitoring systems ex-meters related to measurements of Electricity for all the Factories attached with and the effective operation of all factories Electricals. Energy Meter monitoring and recording of values in Strata (Automated way) / manual;4. Co-ordinating with Maintenance Contractors for all Maintenance related activities;5. Report to Engineering Manager / Superiors during Emergency and Critical activities which are taking more than 2 Hrs;6. Shift Co-Ordination with  Mechanical / Instrumentation / Production Team Leaders;7. Having Knowledge on All Statutory related compliance related to the factories attached with (Ex- HV Breaker Maintenance, Transformer Maintenance etc.);8. Drive the safety related action in All Electrical Maintenance for the Site / Factories;9. Proper Job Delegation / Execution;10. Manage the Site Electrical Maintenance activities in effective co-ordination with Mechanical / Instrumentation / Production staffs;11. Adopting WCM Maintenance Practices to ensure equipment availability;12. Liaising with PLN / KINRA for Electrical distribution related issues, Statutory & Inspection activities;13. Factories - Analysis of necessary data with All Engineers, Managers and suppliers;14. Production and Engineering support; Requirement & Qualification1. Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and having work experience with Chemical / FMCG  Industries;2. Experience Required : Minimum 10 years, preferred 15 years;3. Experience and Knowledge on HV/ MV /LV Lines and Power Generation units using GT / DG & Gas Engines;4. Maintenance of Electrical Substation/ Panels and Electrical Part of Maintenance of air compressors and chillers, blowers and pumps, etc;5. Maintenance Management System (Ex-SAP / CMMS) / Updation like Work order Updation / Obtaining Clearance & Permits / History details updation;6. Maintenance System / Strategy Implementation & Analysing the reports(Energy Data) and ensuring the PPM Details, Analysis reports. History details are getting captured in line with Good Engineering Practices & WCM requirements;7. Good troubleshooting and Engineering / General managerial skills;8. An Electrical Engineering Graduate from a reputed University;9. Required language(s): English9. Willing to be place in Sei Mangkei, North Sumatera Job Context & Special Features:1. Able to coordinate with other department colleagues;2. To the required extent Knowledgeable on power generation, transmission and distribution and related HV/MV/LV Electrical Maintenance;3. Good and regular communication;4. High safety knowledge on Industrial Work safety. Able to work under pressure environment;5. Able to coordinate PPM, TPM, 5S, CMMS and work order execution at optimal efficiency;6. Up gradation of PPM systems like SAP / CMMS  activities & Active involvement for implementation;7. To the required extent Knowledgeable on power generation, transmission and distribution;8. Knowledge of Small / Big Maintenance jobs initiation, Planning, justification, cost, scope, benefit and payback period calculations (If it is for Capex Projects within factories) and establishing the results after the completion of the Jobs. Skill Level1. Ability to manage HV / LV systems HIGH2. Ability to work with All sort of Electrical Equipment HIGH3. Ability to Manage the Power Generation (GT / Gas / DG sets) Equipment. MEDIUM4. Ability to present projects propose MEDIUM5. Ability to manage site Electrical maintenance activities in line with  a. Maintenance Strategy / WCM guidelines. HIGH6. Ability to coordinate  maintenance all Utilities and Site Factories effectively HIGH7. Ability to collate, interpret and analyse data. MEDIUM / HIGH8. Effective communication HIGH9. Computer Literacy HIGH10. Team work HIGH11. Budget  management and control HIGH

PT. Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia (UOI) was established on January 3rd, 2012 and is wholly owned by Unilever Netherland. UOI is one of the biggest Olechemical factories in the world and has been built on an area of 18 hectares, located in Special Economic Zone (KEK) Sei Mangkei, Blok M, N, R, S Huta VI District of Bosar Maligas, Simalungun, North Sumatra, Indonesia, where 30% of equipment manufacturers using domestic products, the plant is designed to process CPKO (Crude Palm Kernel Oil) and 95% of the products will be used by Unilever factories around the world.

Kirim Lamaran Site Electrical Manager (Head of Electrical) PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia 2020 disini

Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia sebagai Site Electrical Manager (Head of Electrical), silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Site Electrical Manager (Head of Electrical) 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan

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