Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di Yayasan Bina Nusantara 2020. Kembali ke Yayasan Bina Nusantara mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Front End Developer Yayasan Bina Nusantara di 2020 ini. Merupakan Yayasan Bina Nusantara terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di Yayasan Bina Nusantara silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut
- Design, build, or maintain web sites, using authoring or scripting languages, content creation tools, management tools, and digital media
- Maintain understanding of current web technologies or programming practices through continuing education, reading, or participation in professional conferences, workshops, or groups
- Minimum Bachelor Degree and have 2+ years of experience in similar position
- Special Skills: Programming, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Word Press, LAMP Stack, Cpanel, PHP
- Have passion in education.
- Good in analytical and conceptual thinking skills, creative and innovative.
- Self motivated and a team player as the same time.
- Have a good communication skills.
- Eager to grow and contribute to the professional learning culture.
- Able to commit to a minimum of one year contract.
- Willing to work on Saturday.
PENGUMUMAN :Yayasan Bina Nusantara tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.Yayasan Bina Nusantara tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan travel agent / biro perjalanan tertentu dalam proses rekrutmen.Apabila Anda diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam bentuk pembayaran tiket pesawat dan hotel atau akomodasi lainnya agar diabaikan.Jangan memberikan data pribadi atau data keuangan Anda kepada siapapun.Jika membutuhkan klarifikasi lebih lanjut dapat langsung menghubungi Yayasan Bina Nusantara ===================================================== AN INSTITUTION FOR GLOBAL GENERATIONPeople. Innovation. Excellence. Education has become one of the basic human needs in the world. A way to enhance life, education should define its quality from the very first step. Innovation, excellence, quality are some of the traits that good education should have and induce to its students. BINA NUSANTARA started its path towards today’s grandness with a humble beginning. Hard work, dedication, commitment, and clear vision combined with the passion to educate young minds have led this institution, once a small computer course to transform into an integrated educational institution, educating generations of students over the course of thirty years. At BINA NUSANTARA, every single element is entitled to the spirit of enhancing lives through education. Ensuring every parents that their children will receive nothing but the best in quality education, endorsing every students to achieve nothing but their personal best in various fields. This spirit is implemented in each unit in the BINA NUSANTARA group, from BINUS International School, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Doctoral Program, to Training Center (Informal Education). Staff, teachers, lecturers, and students are committed in enhancing not only their lives, but also the generation as a whole. However, the dream on becoming a World-Class Knowledge Institution never ends. BINA NUSANTARA commits to continuously learning and developing towards the future, where each step taken is a worthy contribution for achieving the goal of becoming an institution for global generation.
Kirim Lamaran Front End Developer Yayasan Bina Nusantara 2020 disini Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di Yayasan Bina Nusantara sebagai Front End Developer, silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Front End Developer 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan
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