Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Posisi Administration Clerk - Data Assistance (Retainer) UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) 2020 Terbaru
Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) 2020. Kembali ke UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Administration Clerk - Data Assistance (Retainer) UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) di 2020 ini. Merupakan UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut
Administration Clerk - Data Assistance (Retainer)Job categories: Administration, Project ManagementVacancy code: VA/2020/B5502/19839Department/office: AR, THOH, IndonesiaDuty station: Jakarta, IndonesiaContract type: Local ICA SupportContract level: LICA-3Duration: Six months with possibility of extensionApplication period: 20-May-2020 to 03-Jun-2020 Applications to vacancies must be received before midnight Copenhagen time (CET) on the closing date of the announcement. In the context of the BRG-REF, UNOPS is hiring for the position of Administration Clerk (Data Assistance). Functional ResponsibilitiesDuties and Responsibilities Under the general guidance of Secretary of the BRG and Head of Budgeting and Law Working Group, and under the management of the UNOPS Head of Implementation Support Unit (ISU), the incumbent is responsible for: Administrative Support- Provide administrative support to the supervisor in gathering and compiling related documents needed to draft ToR, Meeting report, Annual reports, field visit report, Procurement plan.
- Provide administrative support to the supervisor in organizing meetings (including organizing venue and tracking the participation attendance)
- Assist in collecting data and information on restoration plans and implementation (including photo data and tabular data) and systematically archive them for future reference
- Provide data collection support to the internal stakeholders in charge of preparing the concept and strategic plan of peatland restoration after 2020.
- Assist in retrieving data and information and provide these to the supervisor and/or internal stakeholders as and when requested.
- Secondary education or high school diploma is required.
- First university degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) or advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in business administration, management, forestry, environmental science or related field would be an asset and may substitute for some of the required years of experience.
- Minimum of three (3) years of experience in the administration, project management support or related fields in combination with high school diploma is required. A reduction of 50% of the required years of experience may be considered for qualified female applicants;
- Experience in project management assistance is preferred;
- Experience in project related to peatland restoration is an advantage;
- Prior experience in report writing is an asset;
- Experience in data collection is an advantage; and
- Have good digital competence (MS Office), writing and drawing skills.
- Intermediate level in English and fluency in Bahasa Indonesia is required.
- Memberikan dukungan administratif kepada pimpinan dalam mengumpulkan dan menyusun dokumen terkait yang diperlukan untuk menyusun kerangka acuan kegiatan, laporan rapat, laporan tahunan, laporan kunjungan lapangan, dan rencana pengadaan.
- Memberikan dukungan administratif kepada pimpinan dalam mengatur pertemuan (termasuk mengorganisir tempat dan kehadiran partisipan)
- Membantu mengumpulkan data dan informasi mengenai rencana restorasi dan implementasinya (termasuk data foto dan data tabel) dan mengarsipkan secara sistematis untuk referensi di masa mendatang.
- Menyediakan data kepada pemangku kepentingan di internal dalam mempersiapkan konsep dan rencana strategis restorasi lahan gambut setelah tahun 2020.
- Membantu dalam mengambil data dan informasi dan memberikannya kepada pimpinan dan/atau pemangku kepentingan internal saat dibutuhkan.
- Pendidikan minimal sekolah menengah/SMA.
- Pendidikan tinggi (Sarjana atau setara lainnya) atau pendidikan tinggi lanjutan (Master atau setara lainnya) dalam administrasi bisnis, manajemen, kehutanan, ilmu lingkungan atau bidang terkait lainnya akan diutamakan dan dapat menggantikan kualifikasi tahun pengalaman.
- Minimum 3 (tiga) tahun pengalaman dalam bidang administrasi, dukungan manajemen proyek atau bidang terkait lainnya. Pelamar wanita yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan telah menyelesaikan pendidikan di sekolah menengah dapat dipertimbangkan untuk pengurangan 50% dari persyaratan tahun pengalaman kerja.
- Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dalam manajemen proyek.
- Pengalaman dalam proyek terkait restorasi lahan gambut lebih disukai.
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam penulisan laporan.
- Pengalaman dalam pengumpulan data lebih disukai.
- Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan komputer/digital (MS Office), menulis dan menggambar.
- Wajib memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris level menengah dan fasih berbahasa Indonesia.
Background Information - UNOPS UNOPS supports the successful implementation of its partners’ peacebuilding, humanitarian and development projects around the world. Our mission is to serve people in need by expanding the ability of the United Nations, governments and other partners to manage projects, infrastructure and procurement in a sustainable and efficient manner.Working in some of the world’s most challenging environments, our vision is to advance sustainable implementation practices, always satisfying or surpassing our partners’ expectations.With over 7,000 personnel spread across 80 countries, UNOPS offers its partners the logistical, technical and management knowledge they need, wherever they need it.A flexible structure and global reach means that we can quickly respond to our partners' needs, while offering the benefits of economies of scale. Background Information - Job-specific THOHThailand Operations Hub (THOH) is a UNOPS business unit under the UNOPS Asia Regional Office and it was established to better support, develop and oversee the UNOPS portfolio of projects in South East Asia and the Pacific.The Hub comprises three main portfolios –THOH Thailand, THOH Indonesia and THOH Pacific and provides a wide range of services including Project Management, Transactional HR, Financial, and Procurement to clients that include other UN entities, INGOs and governments/government agencies donors. Badan Restorasi Gambut Results Enabling Facility (BRG REF)Seasonal peatland fires are now compromising Indonesia’s economic and social development by creating considerable threats to health, the environment, and the economy. In 2015 peat fires and their related haze resulted in the hospitalization of more than half a million people due to acute respiratory infections. These fires that raged through 2.6 million hectares of forest and peatland areas in the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra released 1.6 Gts of CO2e, surpassing the annual CO2 emissions of advanced industrialized nations such as Germany, France, and others. Direct and indirect damages cost the Indonesian national economy an estimated USD 16 billion, about 2% of its annual GDP.In recognition of the importance of peatlands for climate change mitigation, the Government of Indonesia through Presidential Regulation No 1/2016 constituted the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG). BRG has an important mandate: prevent forest fires, especially in peatland areas, as well as restore 2 million hectares of peatlands devastated by forest and land fires. The Agency identified 7 target provinces for peatland restoration and fire prevention activities in Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Papua.Since its establishment in 2016, Norway has been supporting BRG, as current support to the BRG by the Norwegian Government falls within the wider partnership between Norway and Indonesia established in 2010 through the Letter of Intent (LOI) to reduce emissions from deforestation and land degradation of forests and peatlands . The support is part of an international climate mitigation initiative (UNFCCC) supported programme that uses international aid to counter forest degradation in various parts of the world, and this is one of the largest ever contribution made to reduce deforestation.In the framework of this background, Norway and BRG have asked UNOPS to develop a flexible multiyear administrative support mechanism for managing Norway’s financial support to BRG through the establishment of the BRG Results Enabling Facility (BRG REF). The mechanism has within its scope a back-office management component and a service, procurement, grants management and a delivery component.
Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di UNOPS Indonesia Operations Centre (IDOC) sebagai Administration Clerk - Data Assistance (Retainer), silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Administration Clerk - Data Assistance (Retainer) 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan
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