Loker Posisi Back End Developer (Python) PT Digdaya Talenta Universal - Kumpulan Loker Nasional

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Friday, May 22, 2020

Loker Posisi Back End Developer (Python) PT Digdaya Talenta Universal

Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Posisi Back End Developer (Python) PT Digdaya Talenta Universal 2020 Terbaru

Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di PT Digdaya Talenta Universal 2020. Kembali ke PT Digdaya Talenta Universal mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Back End Developer (Python) PT Digdaya Talenta Universal di 2020 ini. Merupakan PT Digdaya Talenta Universal terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di PT Digdaya Talenta Universal silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology, or equivalent.
  • At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably have experience in ERP and E-Commerce Software
  • Required Skill(s): Python, Java, ERP, C++

Macher has built to provide excellent recruitment services to our clients. Started by expertise as an Executive Search with more than a decade of experience working in a National and a Multinational Executive Search agency and combine with years of experience on the corporate side, providing multiple perspectives to our clients which will result in a better experience in recruitment. We have been helping businesses find their perfect hires, We help clients find Talented Peoples that best fits their unique identity. Our Vision & Mission:Connecting and bridging resources and providing top-notch solutions to the customer based on market research and trends.

Kirim Lamaran Back End Developer (Python) PT Digdaya Talenta Universal 2020 disini

Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di PT Digdaya Talenta Universal sebagai Back End Developer (Python), silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Back End Developer (Python) 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan

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