Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Posisi Lecturer Information System Universitas Internasional Batam 2020 Terbaru
Berikut ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di Universitas Internasional Batam 2020. Kembali ke Universitas Internasional Batam mengajak para talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal SMA SMK sederajat hingga sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Lecturer Information System Universitas Internasional Batam di 2020 ini. Merupakan Universitas Internasional Batam terkemuka dan ternama di indonesia. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin dan tertarik bergabung menjadi tenaga pegawai di Universitas Internasional Batam silakan ajukan lamaran mu secepatnya melalui loker berikut
- Teaching (Informatics: Database Programming, Android, Web Application, 2D and 3D animation; IT: Server Management, Network Security, Data Security, IoT)
- Conduct both applied research and theoretical research,
- Conducting community service,
- Supporting UIB as a whole in IT matter in accordance with their respective expertise
- Master Degree (S2) in respected field (Lecture)
- Must have special expertise in their respective fields (Lecture)
- Must be well experienced in teaching and respecting student (Lecture)
Universitas Internasional Batam is one of the biggest university in Batam Island that participates in national development and providing education the society. Established in 2000 based on Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 160/D/O/2000, as the form of concern of Yayasan Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (YMTI) towards the education for society in Batam Island and surrounding. Understanding that the industry and commercial sector on Batam Island has a need for professionals, Universitas Internasional Batam has a commitment of developing the students' competency by providing specific study programs in order to produce graduates who will be actively involved and compete in real-world working field. With professional career guidance, students can exploit the presence of strategic manufacturing and international services industry in Batam Island and also in neighbouring countries, such as Singapore and Malaysia, in the field of research and science development. The plus points and unique features of UIB in the education progam offered to society is the implementation of knowledge and internship program designed in each majors as the actualization of the value and skills of the students.
Kirim Lamaran Lecturer Information System Universitas Internasional Batam 2020 disini
Bagi teman-teman memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di Universitas Internasional Batam sebagai Lecturer Information System, silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan berikut.Terima kasih buat kalian semua telah membaca loker Lecturer Information System 2020 terbaru. Semoga kalian semua diterima pekerjaan
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